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Every child has a dream, to pursue the dream is in every child's hand to make it a reality. One's invention is another's tool

This is our pre-school room and we can have children from 3-5 years old.

We can have 32 children in this room with a ratio of 1 staff to 8 children. 


Our Story

A warm welcome to the pre-school room. In this room we help you get ready for the exciting transition to big school. We pride ourselves in creating activities for you to participate and play with, that will help you grow and develop through your precious milestones whilst with us. In pre-school, we like to have different arts and crafts out daily. Your fridge will soon be full of beautiful pictures made by your little one. We'll draw and we'll write, we'll sing and we'll play and we'll learn new things everyday! We enjoy going to our local parks and also visiting the library to find fun new books to read. 

Meet The Inventors Team

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